Foto de Oleg Tchernov Rusia

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Chernov Oleg

14. 03. 1962 born in Krasnoyarsky region, Russia

1991 graduated from Stavropol College of Art.

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Chernov Oleg

14. 03. 1962 born in Krasnoyarsky region, Russia

1991 graduated from Stavropol College of Art. Majored in painting and drawing teaching.

1991 - 1992 worked as an artist and property-man at Stavropol puppet theatre

1992 - 1993 an art-designer at Russian Art Fund studios in Pyatigorsk, Stavropol region

1993 - 1999 a teacher of painting at art school in Grachevsky district, Stavropol region

1999 - 2001 a teacher of painting at art school, a painter at a multipurpose Palace of Culture in Lermontov, Stavropol region.

2002 moves to Saint-Petersburg. A freelance artist until 2005.

2003 enters into Russian Artists Creative Union

2005 - up to now has been working as a teacher of painting at specialized school of art in Tosno, Leningrad area.

Major exhibitions:

1991 Republican exhibition of drawings, Rostov-on-Don

1991 «Exhibition of the Five», Akademicheskaya Gallery, Pyatigorsk

1995 «Timur-Oleg», Akademicheskaya Gallery, Pyatigorsk

1998 Regional Exhibition of Russian South, Krasnodar

1999 Festival «Painters of Russian South», Krasnodar

1999 «Chernov-Saratkin», «Tsvetnik» Gallery, Pyatigorsk

1999 Festival of Young Painters of Russian South, Krasnodar

2000 «The Three Colours of the Time», M.Y.Lermontov Museum, Pyatigorsk

2001 «Les Areadn», Switzerland

2002 Festival of Young Painters of Russian South, Stavropol

2002 «The Dialogues», Regional Museum of Fine Arts, Stavropol

2002 «Art-Manezh», The Central Exhibition Hall “Manezh”, Moscow

2003 «Traditions and Modern Times», The Central Exhibition Hall “Manezh”, Saint-Petersburg

2006 The 3rd Independent International Drawings Biennale in Saint-Petersburg «White Nights International», The Central Exhibition Hall “Manezh”

2006 Festival «New Italian Movies», House of Cinematography, Saint-Petersburg

2006 «Plain-Air», Artists Union Central Exhibition Hall, Stavropol

2006 IFA Gallery Collection Works Exhibition, V.V. Nabokov Museum, Saint-Petersburg

2006 «City Inside Out», IFA Exhibition Halls, Saint-Petersburg

2006 Art project for the International Festival of Social Movies, “Druzhba” cinema, Saint-Petersburg

2007 «Metamorphosis», IFA Exhibition Halls, Saint-Petersburg

2007 Art project for the International Festival «The Whole Russia», «Druzhba» cinema, Saint-Petersburg

2008 The 4rd Independent International Drawings Biennale in Saint-Petersburg «White Nights International», The Central Exhibition Hall “Manezh”

2009 «Metamorphosis», IFA Exhibition Halls, Saint-Petersburg

2009 «Autumn salon III», Saint-Petersburg

2010 «The Dialogues», The Central Exhibition Hall “Manezh”, Saint-Petersburg

Personal exhibitions:

1997 «Oleg Chernov. Paintings», Exhibition Hall, Kislovodsk

1998 «The Bridge», The Central Exhibition Hall of Painters Union, Stavropol

1998 «Paintings» Observatory at Akadem-gorodok, Stavropol region

2002 «Paintings from the Cellar», «Borei-Art» Gallery, Saint-Petersburg

2002 «A Diary for my Darling», Mikhailov`s Gallery, Saint-Petersburg

2002 «The Magic», «Borey-Art» Gallery, Saint-Petersburg

2002 «La Pereseveranza» Gallery, Gent, Belgium

2003 «Expressionism», Mikhailov`s Gallery, Saint-Petersburg

2003 «For the City, for the River, for the Man», Exhibition Hall of Painters Union, Saint-Petersburg

2003 «Koffie Verkeert» Gallery, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2004 «In Southern Moods», «Borey-Art» Gallery, Saint-Petersburg

2004 «The Fall», IFA Exhibition Halls, Saint-Petersburg

2005 «La Pereserveranza» Gallery, Gent, Belgium

2005 «The Prose of City Expressiveness», «Borey-Art» Gallery, Saint-Petersburg

2006 «The Stream», IFA Exhibition Halls, Saint-Petersburg

2007 «Drawing Lessons», «Borey-Art» Gallery, Saint-Petersburg

Oleg Chernov has been permanent participant of creative projects at «PARAZIT» gallery since 2005, Saint-Petersburg

2009 «Date and Time», «Borey-Art» Gallery, Saint-Petersburg

2010 «Grandad’s style», «Borey-Art» Gallery, Saint-Petersburg

2011 «Parables»,«Borey-Art» Gallery, Saint-Petersburg

Oleg Chernov`s works can be found in private collections in Russia and abroad.

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